Buy Goosegrass Control and Goosegrass Killers

Goosegrass is one of the most difficult to control weedy grass types found in lawns. It is commonly found in turf that is mowed low, whether on golf courses or residential lawns. Often confused with crabgrass, Goosegrass germinates a couple weeks later when soil temperatures reach 60-65*. Goosegrass has a wagon-wheel like appearance, growing in a very prostrate with all leaves being white at the center of plant near the crown. Goosegrass needs a lot of sunlight and moisture in order to grow which is why it thrives in thin and low-cut turf, and also does exceedingly well in heavily compacted soils. Cultural practices that can be used to mitigate goosegrass include mowing your lawn high, having thick healthy turf that does not provide the opportunity for the plant to germinate, and regular aerations to prevent soil compaction. Pre-emergent controls are essential when trying to prevent Goosegrass germination and get ahead of known Goosegrass problems, and post-emergently treatment is best achieved with a few select products. When looking for how to control goosegrass, realize while goosegrass looks like crabgrass, not all crabgrass post-emergents will work on goosegrass so stick to professional herbicides labeled for the job.

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