Buy Poison Ivy Control and Poison Ivy Killers

Poison Ivy is a troublesome weed due to the very itchy rashes people experience when coming in contact with it. Due to the woody nature of Poison Ivy, it is best treated with non-selective herbicides like glyphosate. You can also use selective weed-killers that are labeled for ground ivy, and tank mixing a selective and non-selective may give you even better results. Poison Ivy creates a waxy layer on the leaf tissue in the summer so that it doesn’t lose moisture in a drought; unfortunately, that means it is difficult for herbicides to penetrate the leaf tissue. For this reason, best control is achieved when you spray poison ivy in the spring, as this timing also treats the poison ivy when it is most actively growing which provides the best results. When looking for how to kill poison ivy, timing and products are essential, and the products below do a good job when applied at the right time.

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